Quick Message for those walking in the shadows..

Look within yourself to obtain a peace of mind and stability. There's much more to life than money, cars, clothes, and women. None of the above define me. How bout you? Can you be your own man/woman if you try to get by like everybody else? You can't stand out if you try to fit in.

With that being said, Welcome to the BlogSpot of Ramone "Magnifagrest" Frost

*Commencing: Mission of My Own Progression*

Strictly for my Tweeters...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Reality Of It

When someone says things like, "I'll never do that to you..you're my friend and I respect your opinion." Sho nuff I take what they say into consideration but I really don't believe them. I'll really know if they were true when the time comes. Kinda like when Peter denied Jesus 3 times during his trial. It's funny cause once I watched Passion of the Christ for like the 5th time, I realize that the exact same reasons ppl turn on each other now are the exact same reasons why the disciples turned on Jesus back then whether it be money, not wanting to stand trial with the person u were "supposed" to be down with, or jus not staying true till the end. To sum it all up, I'll believe what u say cause u said it but we'll see if u follow through when judgment day comes...that's why I have only one True friend. Now that doesn't mean I don't love all my ppls, its jus that so far he has passed all trials..peace.

Enough said

Here and Now..

I have a bad habit of holding back my real feelings to keep in good standards with some ppl. That shit is a big burden on your chest when u don't say what u feel to the fullest extent. I felt so incomplete. Not anymore though. From this day forward I'm not holding my tongue for nobody. I vow to say what I feel whether its right or wrong to whoever it may concern. A forewarning, don't come at me wit no dumb shit, don't make a dumb ass move, and for damn sure don't ask me how I feel about certain shit unless u want the honest to Zeus truth.