Quick Message for those walking in the shadows..

Look within yourself to obtain a peace of mind and stability. There's much more to life than money, cars, clothes, and women. None of the above define me. How bout you? Can you be your own man/woman if you try to get by like everybody else? You can't stand out if you try to fit in.

With that being said, Welcome to the BlogSpot of Ramone "Magnifagrest" Frost

*Commencing: Mission of My Own Progression*

Strictly for my Tweeters...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How can I do this?

As I chillax in the office tonight I think about the women I've come across since being down here. Some are very sweet and some are quite sour (lol). I realized that I like a woman that can speak for herself for most cases but can be a sweetheart at the same time. Not one that swears so much..only when necessary. It's not ladylike to swear every 15 secs..period. I don't want someone who goes to clubs so much either. Rather, someone who can actually enjoy being at home or out of the spotlight for someone they genuinely like. That kinda puts on the role of "someone needing to be noticed all the time" if you're going on a weekly basis. It also shows a sign of immaturity..but that's just my opinion (like it matters). Weed smokers are ok as long as she doesn't feel like she needs it all the time (Mind Control). Not on some, "I need a blunt! or.."Where da weed at?" type sh1t. << Major turn off. I've also realized that personality and individuality can go a long way. So far that even if you're just a cool person (in my book), I don't mind being around you. True enough I'm a man, but I've learned to withhold my sexual desires for something more in a woman. I've even gotten to the point where I can lay in a bed with a female all night not not have to have sex or tempt myself to do so. Pause. Maturity is the word. I guess being down here is benefiting me so far. It's bringing me to understand more about myself. I haven't talked to a few ppl from home in about a week or so, with that said, in case y'all forgot, I love all y'all. Imma start getting back in the weight room too..gotta get this body right. I met a nice girl in Lowe's today..real down to earth. I ACTUALLY approached her too. Talk about nervous! I usually break out in sweats as soon as I think about approaching a female. I'm shy, contrary to belief. I guess it's because I think about a scenario of her playing me in my mind and it always turned me away. (Overthinking- When you create situations for the good and for the bad).

" But I do know that eyes give out the truth. Lie is a mouth pollution, so I gotta figure out a solution without abusing everything I am about so..how can I do this?"- Charles Hamilton- In Case I Actually Get Her

It turned out pretty good though. I couldn't ask for more except a chance at peaceful dialogue and she subliminally accepted. She offered good conversation and asked me to write my number down. Good or Bad? I didn't know what to think. I didn't wanna appear thirsty and ask for hers so fast (Overthinking again). I played it real cool though. I think I left a good impression (and again lol). If so, I'll speak to her soon. We'll see how that goes though. I still got big plans for the next few years. What u may ask? I'd rather not speak on that just in case it doesn't go as planned..don't wanna jinx myself. 4th of July was cool. Spent time with family. The more I spend time with them, it makes me realize the importance of all forms of family. Many may not think of it like I do, but everybody needs some sort of family even if they're not willing to help you in times of need or at all for that matter. Just know that they'll be the first at the funeral. That goes for the friends I've received as family over the years as well. That's all I can think of for now..bye.