Quick Message for those walking in the shadows..

Look within yourself to obtain a peace of mind and stability. There's much more to life than money, cars, clothes, and women. None of the above define me. How bout you? Can you be your own man/woman if you try to get by like everybody else? You can't stand out if you try to fit in.

With that being said, Welcome to the BlogSpot of Ramone "Magnifagrest" Frost

*Commencing: Mission of My Own Progression*

Strictly for my Tweeters...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


^ Let me start off by saying that Bobby Ray's CD is amazing! Very versatile. I love his wordplay. This is one of my favorite tracks on the Album. "The Adventures of Bobby Ray" < Cop it.

Ok so I'm officially done wit it. I had to. After being in Miami, I realized that I'm not ready to settle down..yet. Their are too many minds I want to enter to find reason in the wife I want. I have to see what the world has to offer and teach me. Miami isn't enough, I gotta get to these other countries. I'm sure she doesn't care, and if she does, it still won't change anything. I gotta see the world. We jus don't see eye to eye. "I will no longer engage in contact with you."
With that off my chest I can now vent about more important events liiiike me! Lol.

Imma start going to the gym. Not to get swoll but to tone up. The weight is gone, now I need a little chisel action.

"There's a difference between family and those that are related to you." Pause.