Quick Message for those walking in the shadows..

Look within yourself to obtain a peace of mind and stability. There's much more to life than money, cars, clothes, and women. None of the above define me. How bout you? Can you be your own man/woman if you try to get by like everybody else? You can't stand out if you try to fit in.

With that being said, Welcome to the BlogSpot of Ramone "Magnifagrest" Frost

*Commencing: Mission of My Own Progression*

Strictly for my Tweeters...

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Vegas was a success. I saw my brothers and we all ready for the next vaca.

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, September 2, 2010

2012..Not what u think.

Most ppl think that 2012 is gonna be the end of the world by way of hurricanes, earthquakes, and all that bull. I feel as though it will be the end of the "free world". There are laws being put together to further corrupt the land we live in.

*too Much goin on up top*

cant explain it...whatever. Jus watch what happens..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Questions.

Sometimes I wonder: Based on the way that I analyze certain things that ppl do, am I missing out on life? Is it because I'm content with the things that I want out of life? (which is only like 7 things..and not to a drastic extend..well except 2.) Is it because most want a lot and I'm cool with my needs? The questions that keep me solo. I'm grateful for the ones that I have now. Friends that is. Cause I know I'm an odd one..well that's what I hear anyway. Gotta check Twatter now. Brb

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.9

Droid it up..

I've had my droid for about 7 months and jus not realizing all the excellent apps available with it. Silly me. I guess technology has gotten slightly ahead of me. I gotta ketchup. Things have been good besides the pink blemish on my face. Apartments, cars, and work is all I've been on. MAJOR moves comin for Oct. And beyond. SN: I've nearly completely abandoned my blog..I apologize. We're gonna start talking more..

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.9

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The next 3..

years are gonna be interesting. I won't speak too much on it but I will say that Europe and Jamaica is on the list. After that, more far away places will be stamped by me. I feel the need to see what most see on the internet or in movies. These past two weeks have been VERY ODD. But I'm at peace..in a sense. She raised a rebel. Plain and simple. My thoughts go against the grain. I understand where she comes from but I can't do it the way you would. My progress is beyond physical measures. Check! I have a lot of female friends..a lot. When do u decide when what u don't want is actually what u need? Answer: Whenever. Birmingham is not where I wanna be (as far as long living). I need more around me. Ppl, buildings, traffic, etc. Overall I want..............

Sunday, May 2, 2010


^ Let me start off by saying that Bobby Ray's CD is amazing! Very versatile. I love his wordplay. This is one of my favorite tracks on the Album. "The Adventures of Bobby Ray" < Cop it.

Ok so I'm officially done wit it. I had to. After being in Miami, I realized that I'm not ready to settle down..yet. Their are too many minds I want to enter to find reason in the wife I want. I have to see what the world has to offer and teach me. Miami isn't enough, I gotta get to these other countries. I'm sure she doesn't care, and if she does, it still won't change anything. I gotta see the world. We jus don't see eye to eye. "I will no longer engage in contact with you."
With that off my chest I can now vent about more important events liiiike me! Lol.

Imma start going to the gym. Not to get swoll but to tone up. The weight is gone, now I need a little chisel action.

"There's a difference between family and those that are related to you." Pause.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


How can I start this? 1st off, pics coming in a couple days via myspace, facebook, blogger, maybe even Twatter. Lester, Yahree, and I had a long ass road trip but it was well worth it. Upon arriving there we imagined the place looking something off the Real World. Jus jivin or what not, but when we got to see it, it was nothing less than that. 4 floors, 2 living rooms, private rooftop, BBQ grill (my territory lol)...goddamn! We walked around South Beach all day (which was great), attempted a couple of racist ass clubs (Mansion & some other sh!t), a white guy almost got MOBBED by the CREW (he thought Lo was by himself LOL) ; his ass straightened up real quick, ended up meeting some nice women whom we invited to the BBQ. M-Dot, Jazmun, and LeLe to name a few. To those the ladies who came and hung out with us: "I'm glad y'all like how we roll. We silly as all hell but grown and respectful ya feel me? Its good to know that there are still guys u can smoke, drink, eat, and chill without tryna run up in you. Besides, you had no choice but to enjoy our company lol j/k." Had a great conversation with Miss Karlene Chung. She even got a chance to vibe on some Hamilton..she was diggin it of course lol. She said I look like I listen to songs like, "Kick Push". She recognized my Aura. Very intelligent woman I must say. Lots of liquor and wacky tobacco to go round. We overall had a ball. No sex, no cheating, no drama; Just good company. Next Destination??? As long as we stay in nothing less than what we experienced as for as living quarters...Coop, u spoiled me in Miami g...thanks a lot. It wasn't about the money at all, its about brotherhood no matter what. If somebody doesn't have it and I do, its yours. I didn't have any blood brothers till I met y'all (pause). Till we fade in the wind, its CREW till the end. Jamell; Jay-D, y'all on the next trip g..don't give a damn what u say..

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Miami info..

From Birmingham, AL to MIA round trip is about $250. Townhouse paid for. Whip settled. Spending...check. Yeah we're good.....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So much to gain in so little time..

Want her..miss her..she's not ready.
This here is sitting on my mind..too heavy.
I understand she wants to be sure soooo....
I gotta let her go...
Don't be gone too long. Come back quick.
I can't stand being approached by another rat b1tch.
In the meantime in between time I'm on my grind
Not the money way but moreso to levitate.
So don't hate me, appreciate me.
Esp. For the love that I have given thee.
I'll be around..looking at you from a place called Now.
Wishing u were, I need u my dear.
Sometimes the future seems so unclear.
But it was all good cause ur voice was always near.
Now? No more.
What was all our future talks for?

Now u wanna back out based on somethin that should've been thought about long ago...or another voice made u change your mind. Either way, I'm glad you/they made u think. At least I won't be further disappointed if we were together. Get the "possibilities" out of the mental. < That woulda been living a major lie. And for that I thank you.. whether here or there...I'll love you.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

After tryin someone else and it doesn't work...don't give up. Give yourself a chance.

Ok I'm back to the way I was..with an edge. Gained more wisdom while other are stuck in a place where time stands still. Sometimes in life u see exactly what u want, but the qualities aren't where u need them to be at the moment. Either that or they're just not ready to commit to a friendship, relationship, ect ect. In any case, I can't wait around for a person whose not ready to lay the sh1tbull to the side. Its not an "On to the next one." ordeal; Moreso, "On to me." I'm about to be in my mid 20's next month so enough with the games. I'm tryna make plans with my future very soon...get on or let me be. But when I think about it, I'm not mad at all. We'll go our separate ways and be just fine in the end. In retrospect, its about the pursuit of happiness. Ppl are gonna do what makes them happy without regards from others...sad enough, for a lot of ppl, that's the way of the world. That's why I choose to stay in my bubble of peace. Everybody seems to want to get an upperhand on someone. Time to make plans for the future...MY future. With or without you I'll prosper. When I try to include thee..u denied me. Damn lemme pause..I was finna black on em'! O.D.!!! Lol! This'll be good for me though ultimately. Either I'm not ready for a relationship or she's just not seeing what I'm tryna do...ORRR it could be another taking her time. Ok ok I'm a little insecure, clingy, and such. But someone who doesn't make me feel insecure and likes their boyfriend to be around all the time would be nice. Blame my insecurity on recent events based on what I've seen and experienced. My mushiness is for my love of women. You better want my mushy mode..somebody would. U should like the fact that I wanna be around all the time or wanna talk all the time. As opposed to the treatment others get...well let them tell it, I don't exist lol. If I get a gut feeling about someone I'm not gonna throw it away, but I'll set it to the side and let that person prove themselves. One thing I will commend "one" on though. "One" said that she'll never hurt me. She was right. I'm not hurt. Jus disappointed cause I invested my mind on the future with her. Wasn't a waste though...no sir ree bob. It taught me that I can love again..even if its long distance. Jus wasn't ready to click "Confirm" on my Love request. Ah well. Florida IS coming. Plenty of time to clear my thoughts to make room for the future.