Quick Message for those walking in the shadows..

Look within yourself to obtain a peace of mind and stability. There's much more to life than money, cars, clothes, and women. None of the above define me. How bout you? Can you be your own man/woman if you try to get by like everybody else? You can't stand out if you try to fit in.

With that being said, Welcome to the BlogSpot of Ramone "Magnifagrest" Frost

*Commencing: Mission of My Own Progression*

Strictly for my Tweeters...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I just got to listening to this song today. I mean I heard it before but I really gave it a listen and I appreciate what Hamilton is speaking on with this track.

Now I usually don't get down to this kinda music anymore but seeing as though it's Pimp C (R.I.P.) and the fact that we played this song hard when we threw the infamous CREW party at the QUADS, I figured, "For The Good Times"!

AAAAA CREWWWW!!!! 02-09-06 AAHHHHHH! HOLD MY D*CK!! LMFAO!! We was some crazy niggaz dog.

It wouldn't be right if I didn't throw this one in here as well!

The best birthday gift EVER!!

I told myself I wouldn't put this up but what the hell. Me and Vic went hard on this one lol.

Happy Birthday to Ms. Sherriane Allen from Birmingham, AL

** Shena u know I love you girl!! HAHA!


Video Response + Q and A's

This video was a response to Ms. Tenisha Sanford out of Birmingham, AL. We appreciate your response to the video and that's why Victor Rice A.K.A. Mr. Charisma and I made this..

And now for those questions people on Facebook have been asking me... (I appreciate them too. Maybe by answering them, some humans can get a better understanding about me.) So without further a due, here are the Q & A's..

*From Latoya Jones out of the South Suburbs of Chicago (I won't be specific lol)

Q: Would u go buy pads for your mom?

A: Of course! Matter fact, I'd go buy pads for any female that needed it. Some guys would get embarrassed to get em but I know they not for me so I wouldn't give a damn. I've bought pads for my mom and sister plenty of times.

Q: What would u think of a female who carries condoms with her?

A: I'd honor her to the fullest! As long as she doesn't have like 10 of em with her lol. A few is fine by me. It just goes to show that she likes to be as safe as the guy who carries condoms too.

*This question comes from an anonymous female who wrote in my honesty box...

Q: Why do men think its okay for them to be the only unemotional sex partners? When females do it, they're considered, "heartless."

A: Sweetheart we are human, we all have our needs and desires. I respect a female who knows what she wants since most between the ages of 18 and 35 don't. If she just want sex, chances are he might too. But that doesn't make her a hoe or anything like that.

*These questions came from Ms. Stepfanie "Anita" Baker also from the South Suburbs of Chicago (She had quite a few so be ready. I'm sure she'll have many more to come)

Q: What makes you happy?

A: I like to see a female happy no matter what. I also care very much for the happiness and well being of ALL my friends whether I speak to them on a regular or not. I don't care to be rich but I do wanna be comfortable with my life. Nice house, 2 cars, wife and kids (esp. a son). I wanna be able to make a trip at least twice a year. Oh and my peace of mind and my music keeps me happy as well.

Q: What makes you sad?

A: Pretty much the opposite of what makes me happy. Seeing females in relationships that aren't right for them. Seeing the close females in my life sad (Mom, Grandma, Sisters). Me not being able to have my thoughts cloud my mind when I want them to cause I either be busy or someone's just talking in my ear too much.

Q: Any regrets?

A: None at all. If I were to change one thing I previously did then I wouldn't be the person I am today. So with that said, I love my life and everything in and out of it. No matter how much it may suck at times.

Q: Favorite alcoholic beverage? Least favorite? and why?

A: I love Cranberry Vodka. It has to be Absolut but heavy on the juice. I like to catch a nice buzz. I grew out of the "getting drunk" phase. My least favorite is pretty much anything cheap. Cheap liquor induces hangovers for me. I really don't care for dark liquor either. Esp. E&J...can you say GROSS?

Q: If u had all the money in the world what would you do with it?

A: U heard it from Biggie..More money more problems. I say that to say this, gimme enough money for about three or four generations of my family to live and hope they spend it right and I'll give all the money back to the rest of the world. I don't like too much attention so I'd rather have my privacy and my life as oppose to money.

Q: What age did u lose your virginity and how did it go?

A: Ummmm I was prolly about 16 (I know I had my drivers license). It was soo bad, the condom broke and I came fast. She didn't get pregnant though (Thank You God). But don't get it twisted, I blow backs out now lol.

Q: If you could be with a forbidden person who would it be?

A: Only 1 person will know what this means....


Q: What do u look for in a woman?

A: I look for someone that can put up with me (I'm a very simple person). My weakness is sweetness. I want a woman who will exemplify what the mother of my child should be like. Nice figure and fine as hell in my eyes (Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder).

Q: What is your take on when male or female really work to keep a person? Is it pitiful? Should it be a joint thing or should one person do something more always.

A: No, its not pitiful. It's just what u do when you're in love. U do things u thought you'll never do and that's the bittersweetness of it. I think at times a person may have show/do more for the other at times. But its a push and pull thing ya know? You do your part and he will do his. That's what makes relationships/shits so beautifully ugly. Relation (Common Ground) Ship (Help one another cause you're in the same boat) Shit (Self explanatory). It should definitely be a joint operation but there will be problems on the ship and 1 partner may have more experience in a particular field then the other (get my drift?) << Another "ship" reference.

Q: When sex is involved, do you believe men or women have a harder time accepting just a sexual relationship? Which do you believe is weaker?

A: I believe..scratch that I know that sex definitely complicates relationships. No matter how much a person may say it won't, it ALWAYS DOES! But I do believe that women have a harder time accepting a strictly sexual relationship. Why? I wish I knew. Maybe a female can give me an answer to that so I'll know how to further honor a female's perspective more on that subject. Maybe its the fact that females don't really know what they want until they get involved...even then they still may not know what they want. I know females are super sensitive and that's why I love yall!

Q: In your opinion, who lies the most? female or male? And what is the differences in lies between the two? Does one lie worse or does one lie the most?

A: Men lie about small dumb shit. Maybe not even a lie, but so far as not telling the entire truth. And I believe females do the same. We are all human. Bingo! And that's one of the reasons why I'm single. I can actually handle telling the entire truth though. I'm looking for a female who can do the same (or at least to the best of her abilities).

Q: Why do people ask your opinion about stuff and not like it when you are completely honest?

A: I honestly don't have an answer for that one. Some people can't take constructive criticism I guess. I can take it all though. Me and my fellow CREW members spent plenty of late nights putting each other on blast. But it was all healthy conversation. That's what we all needed to hear to better ourselves. AAAA CREW!!!

Q: How did you get the scar on your chin?

A: I was at a club in Birmingham, AL called Banana Joes (WTF? lol). Me and my cousin saw these two guys about to throw down in the club, Cuzo jumped on the pool table and I went to turn my head (on some Matrix shit) cause I saw someone throw a bottle my way and it clipped my chin and (as Jamell would say) congratulations! It didn't hurt at all though, I got a few stitches and I was good(even Neo got hit by a bullet lol).

WHEW! I'm done..for now anyway.

**P.S. Damn Stepfanie! U prolly made this entry actually worth reading LOL! A lot of good questions though..but it's the answers that makes it worthwhile (I gotta take credit for something. U understand.)

Holla at yall later, I'm dead ass tired now.