Quick Message for those walking in the shadows..

Look within yourself to obtain a peace of mind and stability. There's much more to life than money, cars, clothes, and women. None of the above define me. How bout you? Can you be your own man/woman if you try to get by like everybody else? You can't stand out if you try to fit in.

With that being said, Welcome to the BlogSpot of Ramone "Magnifagrest" Frost

*Commencing: Mission of My Own Progression*

Strictly for my Tweeters...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

After tryin someone else and it doesn't work...don't give up. Give yourself a chance.

Ok I'm back to the way I was..with an edge. Gained more wisdom while other are stuck in a place where time stands still. Sometimes in life u see exactly what u want, but the qualities aren't where u need them to be at the moment. Either that or they're just not ready to commit to a friendship, relationship, ect ect. In any case, I can't wait around for a person whose not ready to lay the sh1tbull to the side. Its not an "On to the next one." ordeal; Moreso, "On to me." I'm about to be in my mid 20's next month so enough with the games. I'm tryna make plans with my future very soon...get on or let me be. But when I think about it, I'm not mad at all. We'll go our separate ways and be just fine in the end. In retrospect, its about the pursuit of happiness. Ppl are gonna do what makes them happy without regards from others...sad enough, for a lot of ppl, that's the way of the world. That's why I choose to stay in my bubble of peace. Everybody seems to want to get an upperhand on someone. Time to make plans for the future...MY future. With or without you I'll prosper. When I try to include thee..u denied me. Damn lemme pause..I was finna black on em'! O.D.!!! Lol! This'll be good for me though ultimately. Either I'm not ready for a relationship or she's just not seeing what I'm tryna do...ORRR it could be another taking her time. Ok ok I'm a little insecure, clingy, and such. But someone who doesn't make me feel insecure and likes their boyfriend to be around all the time would be nice. Blame my insecurity on recent events based on what I've seen and experienced. My mushiness is for my love of women. You better want my mushy mode..somebody would. U should like the fact that I wanna be around all the time or wanna talk all the time. As opposed to the treatment others get...well let them tell it, I don't exist lol. If I get a gut feeling about someone I'm not gonna throw it away, but I'll set it to the side and let that person prove themselves. One thing I will commend "one" on though. "One" said that she'll never hurt me. She was right. I'm not hurt. Jus disappointed cause I invested my mind on the future with her. Wasn't a waste though...no sir ree bob. It taught me that I can love again..even if its long distance. Jus wasn't ready to click "Confirm" on my Love request. Ah well. Florida IS coming. Plenty of time to clear my thoughts to make room for the future.

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